Citizens of Bitola delighted by “Fly Project II” and “Power of the Freedom”

The center of Bitola was a host to an unique show performance named “The Power Of The Freedom”,  as a part of BITFEST 2015 (Summer festival in Bitola). Anastasija Zulevska took a part with her fashion show and STEFANIJA had a concert and performance named “Fly Project II”. STEFANIJA’s debut album, “RETRO>PERSPECTIVE”, was released as well. “LTD” – hair studio, were responsible for the hairstyle and make-up.  Moto club – “Konzuli” were also guests to the show and their presence made the atmosphere even more euphoric. Production “Gnasni Deca” took care for recording and photographing the event.


For the first time Bitola was a host to an unique world class show performance and that’s something that the citizens of Bitola should be very proud of.  ANASTASIJA in her own recognizable way, presented the Freedom of her own thought. Her 43 unique fashion clothes were presented by many fighters for the freedom, such as actors, singers, sportsmen, DJ-s, who helped for crushing the barriers in the world of clothing. Her fashion collection had 5 different parts of designer clothes and the whole style was mixed, representing the meaning of the Freedom.

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STEFANIJA , as a complete artist and performer as she is, through singing and a lot of active movements, choreography and dancing, managed to deliver to the audience her debut album “RETRO>PERSPECTIVE”, symbolizing the 11 years period of her solo performing.  All of her previous songs with her own music and lyrics, and her old teenage songs with new music arrangements made by Borche Shabanovski, took a part in this stunning debut album. She also promoted her new song “Dance” featuring DJ Ace-Mice. STEFANIJA’S choreography couldn’t be as unique as it was without the help from the dancers from the fashion studio and studio for modern ballet “Anastasija” and the actor Zdravko Stojmirov. Videos for all of the new songs will be promoted and available to the audience very soon . It’s interesting to mention that all of the designer’s clothes from Anastasija presented in this fashion show are going to be STEFANIJA’S mode line for this year.

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‘Freedom through High Ethics’ is the main motto that Anastasija and STEFANIJA are trying to deliver to the audience. The Freedom and High Ethics should get along all the time, and the pursuit of freedom should not pass the limits of high ethics. In this modern time, this is something that is so difficult to achieve, but once achieved, the happiness should have no limits… Anastasija & STEFANIJA in their own unique way are trying to touch the hearts of many, delivering the message of love and understanding.

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For this show to be world class, helped the reaction of the audience, so everyone could feel the fluent change of positive energy from the both sides.

I, as a performed, have been touched with this high vibration.  All of the participants were rewarded with roaring applause, and that’s something that made me and my mother very proud and happy.

I would like to thank Zlatko Kuzevski for the technical support. I would like to thank all of the models who were brave enough to be a part of this catwalk for the very first time. I would like to thank Katerina Anevska for her speech that helped to deliver the message of ‘Power of the Freedom’.


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