Macedonia timeless – Pelister , Pelister’s eyes

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Me and my fellowship, spent a wonderful weekend dedicated to the beauty that I see from my home in Bitola. We started climbing from the village Nižepole to the Big Lake through Thick Reid for approximately 3 hours. We slept in the mountain house, where we were warmly welcomed . Here it becomes clear the power of tea prepared in the mountain home of experienced climbers, who say that Pelister eyes are the most beautiful in the world. Only here, at the lakes , you will have desire to reach the sky and watch magic glare of the stars … The next day after the morning coffee at sunrise, we continued near the Small Lake and reached the very top – Pelister. We climbed down to Infocentre, passing by the Hunter’s lodge, Second River, Palisnopje where stretches lavish scenery – Bitola, Pelagonia plane, artificial lake Strezevo, Prespa and even Mount Olympus. We had luck on the road to accompany joyous song of colorful and black woodpecker, forest lark , melodic gurgles of rare birds.

I highly recommend this nature beauty. While drinking morning coffee on Wide Alley in Bitola prepare to go to Pelister, the name of the largest peak of the mountain Baba (the most southern mountain in the Balkans that has an alpine character) and also the third highest peak in Macedonia, synonymous of the mountain and even for Bitola.

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It is rich in springs, streams and rivers, and contains two glacial lakes locally known as the Mountain’s Eyes. Pelister is also known for its two mountain lakes, which are called Pelister’s Eyes. The Big lake is 2,218 metres above the sea level while the Small lake is 2,180 metres high. Here are the sources of many rivers.







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Pelister National Park is filled with exquisite flora and fauna. Among flora elements, especially significant is the five-needle pine molica, Pinus peuce – a unique species of tertiary age being present on only a few mountains in the Balkan Peninsula.

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The beauty of the landscape is enhanced by the diversified wildlife: bears, roe deer, wolves, chamois, deer, wild boars, rabbits, several species of eagles, partridges, redbilled jackdaws, and the endemic Macedonian Pelagonia trout.

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The reason I love mountains is its impact on me in every aspect – physical, spiritual ….

Nature motivate me, inspire me to create new  melodies in my music …




Written by : STEFANIJA

Photography : Dimitrija R.






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