Regional cultural days in Pelagonia were opened on 15.XI.2016, on the New stage at the Cultural Center-Bitola, with a solo performance of Stefanija.
“The girl with the long hair” is authentic solo performance, text, director, choreography and music-idea of Stefanija.
The idea is self-revelation as a unit that exist on this Macedoian lend, carrying within culture and mentality that influence one’s personality building. The accent is on the child that grows into adult, she is revisiting the basic and essential child needs and true values, like humanity, love, happiness. An original music piece was written for the performance(Mark Purpose) and original text (Stefanija). The emotional state is expressed through various styles of the authentic music, with macedonian ethno-music. The performance consists of 5 stages: different themes through text, music and dance. Stefanija wants to raise the awareness and to provoke questions of self-revelation. She wants to stress how important is for a human to find and discover himself so one can positively influence the collective awareness. She introduces herself as a complete artist, transferring a special relation with the contemporary macedonian artist.
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This cultural manifestation i coordinated by the Cultural Center for Development of Pelagonia region and Net for cultural development of Pelagonia region. It is realised as a part of the project “Developed heritage, a vector of relations and basis for regional identity”, that is implemented in the Programme for decentralised cooperation between the region of Normandy and Republic of Macedonia.
The girl with the long hair” is a creative cultural expression made within the project “Developed heritage, a vector of relations and basis for regional identity” implemented by the Center for developing Pelagonia plan region in partnership with the municipalities and all cultural institutions of the Pelagoina region.