For 20 years Stefanija is a part and a spokesmodel of studio “Anastasija”. She started as a 4 year’s old, to participate in the fashion shows organized by her mother and fashion designer Anastasija Zulevska Milevska. In a way she was her mother’s muse and the motive for the fashion shows activities. The number of fashion shows exceeds 50….

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Stefanija is a professional choreographer since 2006 for the fashion studio and the studio for modern ballet Anastasija in Bitola.

In the “Anastasija” School she and her mother Anastasija became very active team, she makes choreographies for children festivals, Eurovision song contest, flesh mobs, for the musical “Hair” in Bulgaria, for the shows in production of the “Intimate Theater” –Bitola 2015. She has organized the 10-th and 15-th anniversary of “Anastasija” (fashion and dance performances), show performance and fashion show “Force of freedom”2015, My Name Is Macedonia – 20-th anniversary of “Anastasija”, all the dances and performances of the studio for modern ballet “Anastasija” : “Happiness is to dance”, “My wish is…”, “Easter performance”, “Multi talents” . They are the organizers of “Dance without prejudices”, dance concert for the International Dance Day…

Photo retrospective…

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At all her performances, she wears costumes designed especially for her…

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Regarding the 20-th Anniversary of the fashion and modern ballet studio “Anastasija”, there will be a big event – a fashion and dance performance (27.VII.2016 Institute and Museum Bitola, 21h ), where she will take part.

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