“There is no joke with the love” – the Intimate Theatre from Bitola visited MNT festival in Skopje

On 17th July, the Intimate Theatre from Bitola visited MNT festival in Skopje with their performance, “There is no joke with the love”.

Texts by Alfred de Misse and documented materials | Director: Sofia Ristevska | Performers: Zdravko Stojmirov, Katerina Anevska, Stefanija Milevska | Choreographers: Kire Miladinoski and Stefanija Milevska | Costumes: Fashion studio “Anastasija” | Sound design and music selection: Zlatko Kuzevski | Light design: Igor Micevski.

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“There is no joke with the love”, creates by the idea of today’s neo-liberalism, which devours and destroys every human effort to live out of that neo-liberalism’s matrix. In today’s world, constructed only by the rules of the capital, man unfortunately can’t have any alternatives for choice, but only to submit and to be a slave of the money. And when the capital is basic parameter for construction and structuration of the life, then we realize that there is no joke with the capital and that the love is colder than the capital – Rene Pollesch.

That’s exactly what our performance talking about. Today you can joke with the love, but not with the capital. Especially not with the finances of the big corporations, because the main and most important property for the man is its consumption and financial power. Love goes latest, because there is no room for love in the concept of capitalistic – political relations which currently roles the world. In a society of zero solidarity and huge financial egoism, there is no room for love. In our performance we place the love against the capital together in one arena, then we analyze the results from that. In a world with a consumer society there is no joke only with the capital, but the love that once was alive and main driving force for the humanity, today is constantly placed on examination every simple day and manipulated a lot.

“There is no joke with the love” is calling for a creation of one more humane, solidary and socially equal world where the individual will have the right to freedom and love, because exactly the joking with these two categories may cost us a lot!

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The small hall of the Macedonian National Theater was almost full and the audience honored us with thunderous applause and cheers. Because of the nature of our performance, responses were appropriate, everyone got it in own way. We as a team from Intimate Theater are very happy for the people that after watching this performance come out with some own view for this, some of them repeating the replies what we’ve used, while the others with a thought that we’ve gone too far away.

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Our visit in MNT festival is seen as more than successful. So if you’ve not watched the performance, you will have opportunity to do that during this summer as a part of the cultural summer:

  • Intimate Theater- Bitola, July 13, at 20.00;
  • Ohrid, the yard of the high school “St. Kliment Ohridski”, July 20, at 20.00;
  • Bogdanci, House of culture, August 22, at 20.00;

(For more information: Intimate Theater / 078 307 569)


I want to thank to all our friends who attended the performance and supported us……



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